The Toddler diaries....

So Fifi turned two in December and I swear, my sweet lil girl changed overnight. She has gone from a happy, smiley, dancey thing to a hot mess. She has such an independent personality, I guess I have myself to thank for that. She acts just like me! Absolutely anything can cause a meltdown. She doesn't like her outfit, wrong shoes, Toots is too close to her toys etc... I have been having the toughest time feeding her. Thank goodness she eats at school. For the past 3 weeks when she is home all she wants is yogurt. The conversation usually goes something like this "Fifi, would you like a banana?" "No". "What can I get for you, my love?" "Yo yo!". She can eat four cups in a sitting. It's crazy, she ate so much on Saturday that she actually threw up. Needless to say, I think we are at the end of the yogurt obsession. So now I'm at a loss for what to make for breakfast. It definitely needs to be some thing quick, easy and possibly made ahead.

I've been searching the web to see what I come up with. I've seen a lot of cute ideas on Pinterest.

Cute Mickey pancakes

Pepper and egg flower things

Even heart bacon!

In the words of Sweet Brown, ain't nobody got time for that! I need quick and easy and my feelings won't be hurt if she doesn't eat it. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend all this time on a cutesy lil breakfast just for her to say "no". And it's not a forceful no, it's a very nonchalant no like she has the option. Our other dilemma is that she's allergic to peanut butter and almost EVERYTHING calls for peanut butter. Dammit!

Here are a few things that I've found and I'll try. I'll post picks and progress!
These cheese, bacon and egg biscuits look yummy!

Pancake bites with fruit
Healthy breakfast cookies. Just serve with a piece of fruit.

I definitely need more ideas. Please feel free to share!

Until next time,

Tchau, tchau!!


Girl, I was laughing my ass off throughout this entire post. Can you imgaine what it's gonna be like when she's TWEEN? Fuhgetaboutit.

I would devour any and everyone one of those breakfast items! Godspeed!!


I don't even wanna think about the tween years. I need to get through three first!! Thanks for the vote of confidence ;)

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