Boa noite from Sao Paulo! Finally a bit of time to myself. I've started this blog as a bit of a journal/mood board/organizational space. My family(husband, two young kids and doggy) have relocated from NYC to Brazil. It's been an interesting transition that will hopefully produce some memorable stories. I have so many thoughts and ideas that just get lost in my feeble mind and as the mother of two young children, I still want to feel relevant. I guess. I want to feel like I haven't lost "it". I don't necessarily feel like I have to be up on the latest trends but I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. So this is a place for me to post my visual ramblings and hope that they make a bit of sense once I have a chance to look back on them. Probably not the best analogy, but it's like when you're high and you have the best idea in the world and you tell yourself you should write it down but you don't. And of course, you don't remember it. What you'll see from me is a hodge-podge of design, fashion, food, cute animals, hair etc...


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