
I suppose I'm getting used to this stay-at-home Mom business. I feel like I've been channeling my late Grandma Eleanor Taylor. I remember I used to stop by her house on my way home from grade school. She always had something wonderfully sweet waiting for us (me, siblings, cousins, friends). There were cakes and brownies and pies and ice cream. She also had fruit in the bowl on her dining room table for good measure I suppose. I'd like to think that I've inherited my culinary skills from her. Grandma Taylor didn't really measure, just a dash of this, or a pinch of that. Straight old skool! She would always make all of her grand kids their favorite dessert for their birthday. Mine was apple pie and my cousin Tia's was chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips(whatever those are).

She could make anything. I have a collection of beautiful dolls she made with clothing that could be changed, even Michael Jackson with his glove. In any event, we all knew we were each loved by her. And I miss her. I guess baking makes me feel closer to her and I've been trying my best to use a dash of this and a pinch of that. It feels good watching my babies laugh and eat and enjoy their little lives. It feels good when then ask me for another cookie or another piece of cakey. It feels good putting that best and most important ingredient in my creations.



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