Bath time

So, we've moved AGAIN. Same neighborhood, different house. The previous house, which was lovely and modern and bright, had a miriad of structural issues. This house is a bit smaller, but it's cozy. And it will feel much better once everything is organized and in its place. I would say, the only issue is that the bathrooms are small and don't have much storage space. I'm on the hunt for new ideas for small spaces.

I like this colorful, family friendly bath. it's functional and fun. 

 Via Houzz

 Love the blue and white in this bath. Plus the artwork and window treatment add a bit of presence. 

Via Freshome
Love the artwork and the attention to detail in this space. Nice color palette! 

Via Freshome
This space is super functional and modern. The shower head looks dreamy!

Via Freshome
I don't consider this bathroom small at all, but I would LOVE to soak in that tub! 
Beautiful space with modern and natural elements.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas for small baths in the comments.

Until next time,

Tchau, Tchau!


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